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A battery that is 3 months old should work, Have them check the battery {Have seen them come out being new and last a month} If you are having constant problems then I would look at something electrical, Ex radio trunk light on or even the computer. Even the voltage regulator will drain a batteryt. If you can not figure out where the drain is I would try getting a small solar battery charger. plug into cigarete lighter outlet and the sun will keep the battery charged up. I have two because our cars sit and with the electonics they have out now there is always some little voltage in the system.
could be a couple of things, example a spark plug, or a bad plug wire. some cars and truck will shake if a plug is going bad. Have you had the truck scanned for errors? you could check the plugs by grounding each wire seperatly by grounding it out. You will tell if it is bad as the engine will run differently
As the administrator posted the transmission fluid will have settled down and the transmission fluid could show higher. Then after running the fluid has circulated through the transmission and checking the dipstick would show fluid being low on the dipstick. Does the engine run hot?
Looking at the picture I notice the burnt oil on the exhaust manifold itself. You say it is coming from the square ports. To me it looks like it is coming from above the exhaust manifold and leaking back to the spot above the quare port are and dripping down. It is possible that it is dripping down from the intake manifold. Check around the front of the intake manifold for any oil residue.
I don’t know about the first picture as the piston is up but the second picture you can see what appears to be minor cracks where it looks like a golden color and another one towards the lower right. On the bottom picture you can see some sort of build up towards where the piston rings would top out. If you have not put it back together add a little water to the water jacket. Don’t let the water in the cylinder. If there is a water leak it does not take much for it to drip down into the piston area.
When you turn on the fan do you hear it running? If the heater fan worked before I would suggest checking the speeds on the fan. Check the connection and the ground. The heater control switch may be going bad or had stopped. Turn the heater switch and see if there is any sounds. You have probly all ready but take a look at you fuses.
When you check it is it in the same position as you tookit the first time? sometimes people check it when the car is sitting down hill or to a side and get different readings. use the dipstick a couple of times. I even had readings that were off three times in our truck. how much metal in the oil. a test is by taking and put some off your dipstick and put it on a finger, then rub that finger and another together. If you have small metal in your engine your fingers will feel like sandpaper when you rub two together. Youy might think about having your oil changed or at least the oil filter
the first thing we need to do is determine if you have coolant or water underneath of the vehicle. Coolant is sweet smelling and is typically orange, green, or pink. It might not seem possible to determine the color of the liquid in question, but a paper towel allowed to soak up enough coolant definitely will begin to show pigment. Water is tasteless and odorless.