Your Replies
There could be a couple of things. Does the front signal light work? If so then check the contacts on the rear drivers side and the electrical connection. Sometimes a ground goes bad {not making correct connection} The bulb may look good but at times it is hard to tell if the figament inside the bulb goes bad, Let me know?
On all cars made after 1995, there are 2 types of oxygen sensors, code PO420 has to do with the exhaust. what is referred to as an “upstream” and “downstream” sensor. The upstream sensor does most of the work in determining the air/fuel ratio of the vehicle, while the downstream sensor is located after your catalytic converter, and it’s there to monitor exactly how your converter is performing
Cars after 1995 have sensors, the PO420 can mean the sensor after the converter or after the converter. It is telling you there could be something wrong with the exhaust readings. I would check the sensor before the converter first. That would give you the PO420 reading Look at the site the administrator wrote. It will tell you what code PO420 and PO421 mean.
2003 silverado. It could be the fan is bad. I come from a old school and would start with the heater control fan switch then work from there did the fuse blow? With the heat control on wiggle the fan control switch a little back and forth from low speed to high and listen if you can hear anything happening.
Ok, If it was me I would verify you have spark. You said you tried dumping gas in it. I don’t suggest for people to use a very little of starting fluid. Just enough to see if it starts. If it does I would start by checking the fuel pressure. With it being a 92 I have seen cars fuel filter clog up from ethenal buildup.